NOV 9, 2023 | PRESS RELEASES The Bitkov family fled Russia in 2008 after receiving death threats. Now living in Guatemala on refugee status, the family’s freedom remains in jeopardy as the Guatemalan Supreme Court recently upheld an absurd 14-year jail sentence based on trumped-up charges. U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) as well as Representatives Chris Smith […]
(Español) Como luchamos por nuestro hijo de 3 años perseguido por el gobierno ruso
We thank Bill Browder for fighting for real human rights.
We greet everyone, especially Bill Browder, John Lought, Ivan Chercasov and his entire team. Regrettably we can not be present with you but we send our warmest wishes. We thank Bill Browder and every single person who is fighting for real human rights, for democracy and for the dignity of the human being. the tragedy […]
President of Colombia Alvaro Uribe sends Message to the People of Guatemala
ESPAÑOL DISPONIBLE AQUÍ: #MENSAJE del expresidente de #Colombia @AlvaroUribeVel dirigido al pueblo de #Guatemala exhortando a prescindir del trabajo judicial de #IvanVelasquez ya que es un hombre totalmente sesgado en favor de sectores extremistas cercanos al terrorismo colombiano. — Support The Bitkovs (@SupportBitkovs) 2 de septiembre de 2018 First of all, I want to […]
(Español) El Caso Bitkov la piedra para el zapato de la CICIG.
(Español) Jimmy Morales no renovará el mandato de CICIG
(Español) Los Brazos de la Injusticia de CICIG y Kremlin
(Español) Mi Carta desde la Cárcel de Guatemala Centro América…
(Español) Jueza Viola el Interés Superior del Niño en Guatemala
Recently I’ve been thinking about what happen when adversity appears in our lives … and I think certainly that our lives are marked by all kinds of positive, negative or even catastrophic events, which we could not stand without the help of God above all things and every adversity or experience strengthens us as human […]