(Español) Como luchamos por nuestro hijo de 3 años perseguido por el gobierno ruso

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Breaking the silence of the innocents.

Written by:  Igor Bitkov and Irina Bitkova Following the topic of the criminal structure of traffickers of people who are investigating for more than 4 years we have new data to share in this article. Our last articles dedicated to this topic were: In this article we explain and demonstrate the existence of the powerful criminal structure […]

We thank Bill Browder for fighting for real human rights. Bitkov Family Guatemala

We thank Bill Browder for fighting for real human rights.

  We greet everyone, especially Bill Browder, John Lought, Ivan Chercasov and his entire team. Regrettably we can not be present with you but we send our warmest wishes. We thank Bill Browder and every single person who is fighting for real human rights, for democracy and for the dignity of the human being. the tragedy […]


Por Alejandro Palmieri Due to my job, I have learned something that if it were not tragic, it would be hilarious: it turns out that Guatemalan law, nor in international conventions and treaties to which Guatemala is a party, the term “migrant” is defined. Beyond a casual omission, after much discussion, so long and so […]