President of Colombia Alvaro Uribe sends Message to the People of Guatemala


First of all, I want to greet the people of Guatemala and say that it is necessary to dispense the judicial work of Iván Velásquez who is not a neutral person, he is not an impartial judge, he is a man totally biased in favor of extremist sectors close to Colombian terrorism and now he was also talking about  taken Rubén Darío Pinilla Cogollo to Guatemala

This man was a member of the M-19 guerrilla.

Those were the ones who in 1985 destroyed the Palace of Justice of Colombia and killed all the judges and magistrates.  That criminal operation was paid by the drug traffickers, at the time by Pablo Escobar, and there are testimonies that indicate that Mr. Pinilla Cogollo, announced the tragedy with 15 days of anticipation.   After that he underwent some tests to obtain the pardon, then he was appointed at the judicial system and is a biased person.

Our countries most defeat corruption but having totally biased judges in favor of radical sectors is, as well, corruption.   So Guatemala dispensing with Ivan Velásquez and avoids the arrival of Pinilla Cogollo will do good to democracy with those decisions.

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