Irina Bitkova Develando Archivos I

Recently I’ve been thinking about what happen when adversity appears in our lives … and I think certainly that our lives are marked by all kinds of positive, negative or even catastrophic events, which we could not stand without the help of God above all things and every adversity or experience strengthens us as human beings and makes us more sensitive to the reality of what happens around us as well as a real solution

Why do I say these words? for those who have not followed my case I tell them that I was deprived of my freedom for more than a year with my daughter, since she was in my home a RUTHLESS SEARCH   and that led to the  JAIL FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY which has written by my husband and me.

What happened during the time I was deprived of my freedom, with my daughter?

It’s hard not being able to be informed of the circumstances which pass around the national reality, specifically what I mean?

I mean that while one is expecting a swift and effective justice, you might be awaiting that justice will not FREEZE“Dark Forces” who were interested in destroying our family were in charge of providing all the media and authorities  of Guatemala the data that “misinformed” about our family so that both the authorities and the prosecution brought before the judge were leading a case based on misinformation making the apparatus  of Guatemalan justice believe that it was doing its job, but what was really happening was that due to that misinformation they were serving as a weapon of destruction for our family by the Russian government, in addition the media when “then they” clarified! we had been published as the most criminal fraudsters of banks … which is totally false!

How I realized it had been “Dark Forces” … those who were behind the harming to our family? … When I see that at the audience, before the judge there were the officials representing the Russian state bank VTB…

Then I felt in my heart … Horror! We ran away over 7,000 miles to get away from Russia and now they fulfill the promise they made in due time … “We’re going to find and capture you,  wherever you are and you’ll be put in jail”.

Once my daughter and I  got free from our deprivation of freedom, many people through my social networks, told me and asked if it was true that we were “scammers of a Bank” and when they showed us the sources of misinformation that was published about our family in the national media, it was based on misinformation without a chance for us to even defend ourselves, I realized that the evil plan was not only to dictate JAIL fOR THE WHOLE FAMILY, but it was as they say here in Guatemala a “Combo “.

I know I can all it a COMBO because I lived it in the flesh, it was a ” DESTRUCTION WITHOUT MERCY COMBO “ … and this is what this combo included:

a) Jail for the whole Bitkovs / Bitkova family: by the fact that as migrants we are currently being processing, the whole family is processed for the crime of using false documents, as stated. They stated that we made our own identification and travel documents, this is ridiculous because like we always said and no one listens to us, we contacted a law firm called Cutino International which through the Internet it offers a destination to start a new life, which made us come to Guatemala, they were the ones who invited us to come and see your pretty country and convinced us that die to the fact that we do not speak or write Spanish but only English and Russian they could handle everything in a LEGAL way, so we can have identification and travel documents to live and rebuild our lives in Guatemala, and we aussport this in the article called: HOW DID WE OBTAIN DOCUMENTS IN GUATEMALA.

b) State Abduction of our young son Vladimir, by sending him to the Orphanage as a resolution of Express Justice, ordered by Judge Maria Belen Reyna Salazar. which wrote about in the article called ORPHANAGE #JUSTICIA EXPRESS OR TORTURE

c) Destruction of the reputation and integrity of our entire family. By using all Guatemalan media, who at the time did not know or have time to investigate our case, we do not blame them, we believe that they were surprised at their willingness and objectivity since these minutes of our raid they had given them a profile that we were “VTB BANK SCAMMERS FROM RUSSIA” which is totally false! to the extent that tell them that our criminal charge has been filed by the use of forged documents. and never for the crime of fraud as was handling the media. Coming to the point, that representatives of VTB Bank of Russia in Guatemala when the judge asks them for the evidence left; refused to bring it out with no more excuse than a “DECLINE YOUR DEMAND” because obviously they had no evidence, but that had not been told to the national press nor the prosecution authorities.

The damage to our families was made … VTB Bank Russia had successfully completed the mission for them, because for the media we were branded as “Swindlers” and the authorities and the public prosecutor also saw us with the stigma and wrong image of being criminalas, we were  Emigrants with our family that all we were looking for in Guatemala is an opportunity to rise from the ashes …

Thank God now responsible media are not afraid to try our case, have been thoroughly researching for over a year leading this case; unresolved until now, and our legal position! It have been already 20 months in total.

All this story now has a single purpose, May I say it is:

If we had not passed this tragedy perhaps you were not reading my page … and give us the benefit of “Doubt” that rather than doubt our publications are always based on solid evidence of what we say as part of our respect for you and your dear friends

I think today is the beginning of “Getting The Truth Afloat, because there is only one truth…”

The truth of our Family Bitkov / Bitkova is:

We are a family of Russian successful entrepreneurs who for political reasons (persecution and death threats) had to emigrate from Russia being today in Guatemala, a country that has been offered as an ideal opportunity to live in peace and rebuild our lives ….

Many people ask us what it was that we lost in Russia?

Today I share the following Russian Archive of  International Press which I managed to recover and you will realize why we prefer to leave Russia in order to change our lives …

The Firm “Northwest Timber Company” thrives despite the lack of market

Irina Bitkova, presidenta de la junta directiva de la Northwest Timber Company

Foto: Northwest Timber Company

Busines News
10.05.2007 13:19
By  Yekaterina Dranitsyna
Staff Writer

The company “Northwest Timber Company” has invested $ 150 million in the modernization of its production facilities, and other $ 300 million will be invested in the near future. Executives are confident that by making the production process more efficient, will offset the unfavorable market environment.

The modernization program began in 2004 and is scheduled for completion in 12 years. The Company “Northwest Timber Company”, currently has a plant called Offset Paper Kamenogorskaya in the Leningrad region in addition to the plant which is Nemansky pulp and paper processing plant in the Kaliningrad region.

Since Irina Bitkova and Igor Bitkov of “Northwest Timber Company” acquired these two plants they have managed it to standardize and streamline operations in companies that were near bankruptcy due to lack of market.

“In Russia, timber companies tend to produce low added value. The infrastructure is poorly developed, leading to significant transport costs, Irina Bitkova, president of the board of the “Northwest Timber Company”, said Wednesday at a press conference.

European consumers are switching to wood from the southern countries that gives a benefit from lower production costs compared with Russia and even offer cheaper products.

“We must focus on the most sophisticated methods of wood processing and paper production with higher added value,” -Bitkova said.

Last year the company launched a new production line of paper, with an investment of $ 60 million in construction and equipment. At the end of this month will launch a new station gas distribution, which cost $ 2.5 million and a new paper factory, which costs about $ 8 million in the plant pulp Nemansky works. The new production line will produce 6,500 tons of paper per month, plus 2,000 tons currently produced at the plant.

Over the next two years, the company Northwest Timber Company plans to build a new paper mill at its Nemansky plant, which will produce 120,000 tons of products, and introduce a new production line at the Kamenogorskaya plant. The company will also invest in energy-saving technologies and purification systems.

Since early 1990, the pulp and paper production in Russia has decreased by 20 percent.

In the past six months, production has fallen by 2.4 percent, Bitkova said, while the price of wood has increased by 43 percent, the price of gas by 60 percent, and the price energy by 13 percent.

Denis Sokolov, executive director of the Northwest Confederation of Wood Companies, said that 86 percent of the equipment in the pulp industry and the role of Russia depreciates and requires a significant investment. He called for the adoption of a special law to support strategic investment projects in the industry.

Vladimir Yegorov, a member of the board of Northwest Timber Company and former governor of the Kaliningrad region, said that the tax exemptions, as the support of regional authorities helped the company improve its performance as well.

Source times: times.spb.ru 

Questions without answers:

  1. What would have happened if the Social Media at the time or even the judge who heard us? they would have had this kind of real information from our background?

  2. If this information of our success and business solidity had been given to the Judge, would have she entered in “doubt” to the point of wondering who or what was the “horror” and “Causality” which was forcing us as successful entrepreneurs in Russia to Emigrate as we left all of our assets, all our weath and properties in russia?

  3. You believe that a bank … A bank and a Russian bank will provide loans to a ” successful company like ours” without sufficient guarantees of payment so that in case of default could execute other payment guarantees?

  4. What was the profit for the VTB bank representatives from Russia by providing the press and Guatemalan authorities our so called scamming information without no proof? and now they have declined when the judge asked for the evidence yo support their claim?

  5. What dark power in Russia was left in charge of all our properties, factories, money and our heritage all what we worked for all our lives …?

    I appreciate your comments and the next article I will be revealing more information than thank God today after more than a year now in my possession and I will be sharing with you all, to know that the Russian Runaways as they ever called us we are not fugitives we are simply a Russian Emigrant family like you and your family that only seek to live in peace and longs to start a new life.


14 thoughts on “UNVEILING FILES (I)

  1. Flor Tuesday May 24th, 2016 at 02:17 PM - Reply

    Como siento que ustedes pasen esto en nuestro pais. Porque se nota que son personas honradas y trabajadoras. No se cuales son las causas de gente de su pais en perjudicarles. Y por lo que veo les robaron. Y es de admirar a una mujer tan inteligente. Y a su esposo. Y el hecho de encarcelar a su hija. Y llevar a su hijo a esa casa hogar. La verdad que mal. Aca en Guatemala deberian investigar bien antes de separar familias. Espero ya esten en su casa.

  2. Oscar Leonel Avila Perez Tuesday May 24th, 2016 at 04:48 PM - Reply


  3. Ruth de Burbano Tuesday May 24th, 2016 at 06:12 PM - Reply

    Hola Irina, cada vez que leo esta historia a la que he dado seguimiento, más me convenzo del amor tan grande que Dios tiene hacia su familia pues a pesar de todo los ha cuidado,yo soy una persona sencilla pero muy creyente y desde que leí lo de su pequeño no he dejado de orar por Ustedes sobre todo por ese angelito para que todo lo que ha sufrido le sirva más adelante para ser más fuerte, tanto como sus padres, en verdad admiro su valentía, su coraje,su fuerza para enfrentar tanta maldad,solo por intereses tan mezquinos, solo tengan presente que Dios juzgará nuestras acciones no nuestras riquezas materiales, sigan adelante en el nombre de Dios. Seguirán estando en mis oraciones.Bendiciones

  4. Otto Sanchez Tuesday May 24th, 2016 at 11:27 PM - Reply

    Que lamentable que en Guatemala se cumplieran las.amenazas recibidas en su pais. Pero tengan fe en Dios que el les va a dar justicia. Guatemala ea un gran pais, con problemas como todos más, la gente honrada es.mayoria y encontrará un lugar para que vivan tranquilos

  5. Daniel Tuesday May 24th, 2016 at 11:38 PM - Reply

    Pura conspiracion de su gobierno… se nota a leguas… y todos sus bienes los han de haber repartido entre politicos y empresarios rusos…. que al final ellos manejan a los politicos de cualquier gobierno……

    Cuando esto les paso a ustedes, Guatemala estaba bajo la mayor cortina de humo que ha existido……

  6. Lucy molina Wednesday May 25th, 2016 at 01:31 PM - Reply

    Que lamentable todo lo que les a tocado vivir, y más aún en una tierra extraña, donde el idioma y todo es compleramente diferente, me preguntó Ya les devolvieron a su chiquito? Cuando leí su primer artículo le Ore a Dios para que les hiciera Justicia, que Dios les siga ayudando y fortaleciendo, también tube el deseo de visitar cuando estuvieron detenidas, pero no manejó, seguiremo orlando para que la Paz que sobre pasa todo entendimiento este con ustedes y en ustedes. Y siga en la lucha es una mujer muy valiente.

  7. Alexander Leal Wednesday May 25th, 2016 at 04:11 PM - Reply

    El bien y la misericordia nos alcanzara todos los dias de nuestra vida.

  8. Edgar Salazar Wednesday May 25th, 2016 at 05:38 PM - Reply

    Lamentable lo que les sucedio, esperemos que en adelante todo sea positivo. Desafortunadamente en las notas periodisticas referente a Guatemala siempre prevalece lo negativo, no inventado por ellos sino dandole cobertura de buena fe a denigraciones.

  9. German Bauer Wednesday May 25th, 2016 at 10:04 PM - Reply

    Lamentable….pero bienvenidos a Guatemala… ojala todo esa experiencia les sirva para salir adelante en nuestro pais,,, y asi ayudar a mucha gente… y uds. a reconstruir su vida….exitos….

  10. Elvyn Hernández Wednesday May 25th, 2016 at 11:37 PM - Reply

    Hiciste cabalgar hombres sobre nuestra cabeza, pasamos por el fuego y por el agua, y nos sacaste a abundancia. Salmos 66:12. Triste y lamentablemente este ha sido el horror, terror e injusticia que ustedes han vivido, pero una cosa si es cierta, Dios lo ve todo, nada se le escapa, Él es justo y dará el pago en persona al malvado. Deuteronomio 7:9/10. Otro consejo de Dios es: No os vengueis vosotros mismos, amados míos, sino dejad lugar a la ira de Dios; porque escrito está: mía es la venganza, yo pagaré, dice el Señor. Adelante, ánimo familia Bitkovs/Bitkova, todavia habemos guatemaltecos con conciencia, que nos entristece el dolor ajeno, no están solos, estaremos elevando nuestras oraciones al Dios del cielo y la tierra para que los siga guardando y bendiciendo como lo ha hecho hasta ahora. Ánimo todo va a salir bien. Dios cure sus heridas en el alma. Su familia estará a salvo, Dios los cuida.

  11. aura guerrero Thursday May 26th, 2016 at 03:41 PM - Reply

    Una historia de mucho valor y coraje, Dios siempre tiene un propósito

  12. aura guerrero Thursday May 26th, 2016 at 03:45 PM - Reply

    Una historia devalor y coraje, Dios tiene un propósito en nuestras vidas, librando batallas lo único es wue wuedan cicatrices que son dificiles de borar bendiciones

  13. Victor Manuel Cortez Thursday May 26th, 2016 at 04:15 PM - Reply

    Ojala! que resuelvan su situación aquí y que todo les salga muy bien, bendiciones y un abrazo fuerte desde Esquipulas, Chiquimula, Guatemala.

  14. DIANA Friday May 27th, 2016 at 12:20 AM - Reply


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