Soy Bitkov Por Jorge Mario Paz

#SoyBitkov by Jorge Mario Paz

Recently I received in my social networks a message which contained a letter from the Guatemalan brother Jorge Mario Paz, which asked me to share fully in this space, even so I want to thank all my friends on facebook and twitter especially Lulu Araujo de Figueroa, Blanca E Rodriguez O Troglen, Lupi OFELI Perez, Kerwinn Castellanos, Telmex Leo, Don Chobe, Loren Herrera. among thousands of followers, friends and now my brothers in Guatemala and around the world.


Mrs. Irina Bitkova:

It is an honor for me to write to you, I want my actions to  prove my full support to you and your family, and since I knew about the case of your family I put myself at your orders by all social mesnd I have access to, I’m at your service as long as muy possibilities as a guatemalan citizen allows me to, even if it is as a guarantor to migration, or other judicial guarantee, as long as it is always attached and based on the fundamental principles of the constitution of the Republic of Guatemala, I do not know if you are the administrator of your page or if you have an administrator, I would like the integrity of this letter to be translated to your language.

I think that as human beings we all have the right in a way to find our stability and if our peace is migratory, economic or even with religious significance anywhere in the world. And I have seen and disagree with the bad treatment to which your family was held by the judicial system of my country, I hate how we live in Guatemala, and even more so in a country that if we had the heart and open mind we could be a country of high economic and cultural development worldwide, I know that due to the circumstances that your famil have lived, you may no longer want to know absolutely nothing about Guatemala!!!! And I have no doubt, it saddens me to think, but I’m begging you to stay in this country and help to change it, to help us, help many Guatemalans like me who want to change our country, it says an unknown proverb: no one is a prophet to his own homeland, and I mean to say the same to your family!!!

You might not be from here, but you will make prophets on your own land and if you believe in The creator of life, God, you will know that this  is the way things will go on, don’t give up, continue your fight, there will be many Guatemalans who are with you and they all want you here in Guatemala, Guatemala help us to change, I KNOW WE CAN!!!!


I know that this country is a country of  opportunity, you are experiencing is a test, and you will see the reward that God will give you!!!! Hold hands with anyone who has vision to change this country, let’s work all together in something good in something that God can bless. I encourage you to keep it up, go on, day after day, I am an ordinary Guatemalan, maybe no one important in your lives, but here Iam as a friend and a brother made of the same DNA that all living beings on this earth, and we share that. I hope my message reaches you and your family.


Jorge Mario Paz Urrutia,

 I am Guatemalan from the bottom of  my heart and carry the same DNA and that all living And I’m a BItkov !!!!

Soy Bitkov Por Jorge Mario Paz

6 thoughts on “#SoyBitkov by Jorge Mario Paz

  1. Elizabeth Solares Sunday September 25th, 2016 at 01:55 PM - Reply

    Yo apoyo a la familia Bitkov, no me gustan las injusticias que estan haciendo con ellos. Porque les quitan a su niño, le estan quitando sus derechos al pequeñito. ¿ En donde están los derechos del niño para defenderlo? Ellos ya dejaron en Rusia todas sus riquezas, que se las queden, pero delen su libertad al señor Bitkov.

  2. Dioselina Torres Sunday September 25th, 2016 at 08:43 PM - Reply

    Excelente carta yo me uno a los buenos Guatemaltecos que están con ustedes familia Bitkova

  3. María Sánchez Sunday September 25th, 2016 at 09:00 PM - Reply

    Me encanta y yo tambien apoyo a la familia Bitkov, es cierto nuestro ADN es de HUMANOS, pero a la gran mayoria de personas se les olviada que Dios no hizo este planeta solo para uno, es de toda la humanidad. bendiciones y espero que todo salga bien, yo he estado pendiente de las noticias.

  4. Lorena Kcres Monday September 26th, 2016 at 12:31 AM - Reply

    Que linda accion!!! todos somos hermanos y ellos aqui no tienen familia. #SoyBitkov y parte de de su familia guatemalteca.

  5. Oscar Leonel Avila Pérez Monday September 26th, 2016 at 04:37 AM - Reply

    Que Dios les de la fortaleza para seguir adelante estoy seguro que Dios les proveerá su libertad y después de un tiempo verán que todo esto no fue más que una prueba para acercarse y confiar en Dios , El DIOS DE GUATEMALA

  6. Vilma Tuesday September 27th, 2016 at 03:52 AM - Reply

    Apoyando a la familia Bitkov, tengan fe en Dios que todo va a ir bien, que pena que estén pasando esto tan desagradable en mi país.

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